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UET Entry Test

UET Entry Test

University of Engineering & Technology is without a doubt one of the most prestigious engineering university of Pakistan. Hence getting an admission to UET is every engineering student’s dream. However, there is the entry test you have to pass with flying colours before you can start studying in UET. UET entry test preparation is a tough task as it normally involves going to academies, studying a lots of books, going through past papers, attending lectures, and in many cases moving to another city just for entry test’s preparation. All of the above also require a lot of money which many, for which parents work hard. But it doesn’t have to be that hard anymore, offers a complete solution so anyone with internet access can prepare for UET’s entrance exams. offers video lectures, fast revision notes, question bank of MCQs, practice tests, past papers and all other modern tools necessary for a full entry test preparation. Choosing your admission test preparation not only saves you a lot of money but also a lot of time and energy that can be put to better use. So be wise and adopt to the future now instead of relying on the same old studying techniques like academies etc.

About UET Entrance Exam

UET entry test’s preparation has the most importance above all other engineering universities admission test. The reason being this test is accepted by almost all the public sector engineering colleges and universities, hence it is also known as ECAT (Engineering College Admission Test). UET entry test is conducted once a year for pre engineering students. The test is conducted by by University of Engineering and Technology Lahore. In total there are about 3000 seats in Engineering colleges of Punjab, Pakistan. Each year some 45000 students attempt this test.

Entry test is a pre-requisite for applying to UET Lahore or its affiliated colleges. Other public sector institutions like UET Taxila, BZU Multan, Islamia University Bahawalpur and some private institutions also require Combined Entry Test conducted by UET Lahore as a pre-requisite.

UET Entry Test Eligibility Criteria

  • He/She should have obtained at least 60% marks in F.SC/ ICS/ DAE/ B.Sc./ B .Tech(Pass) Examination excluding Sports and Hafiz-e-Quran marks.
  • Candidate should have at least 60% adjusted admission marks (e.g. after including Hafz-e-quran and sports based marks) determined as per clause 2 of the merit determination criteria.
  • Candidate should be a resident of the area from where he seeks admission.
  • Candidate should meet standards of physique and eye sight laid down in the medical certificate.

How to Apply?

Entry Test Application: 

The entry test application shall be filled online through the web link Applicants should make sure that the entered details are correct and then take a print out of online submitted application for submission at the test center to obtain the admittance card. This printed application along with following attachments shall be submitted to one of the above centers where applicant wants to appear in the test.

Attachment with The Application: 
  • Two passport size photographs one to be pasted on the printed application
  • Photocopy of domicile certificate
  • Photocopy of CNIC or computerized b form issued by NADRA
  • Tuition fee Rs: 5000 per semester
Selection Criteria/Merit Determination


Total Marks 400


Time (80 mints)




Not Specified




Not Specified




Not Specified




Not Specified

  • Un-Attempted Q’s = 0,
  • Negative Marking = -1
  • Each Q’s weightage = 4 Marks,
  • Total time 80 mints
  • Calculator is not allowed

Syllabus for UET Admission Exam

  • Intermediate text books of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • English Comprehension.

UET Entry Test Structure/Format

The test will consist 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Each MCQ is followed by four options . Candidate is supposed to pick single best answer for each question. Each question carries 4 marks. Total marks are 400.

Marking Criteria
  • Each question carries 04 marks. Total marks, therefore, are 400.
  • There will be Negative Marking in the test. For each correct answer, 04 marks will be awarded whereas for each incorrect answer, one (01) mark will be deducted from the total score.
  • No negative ,marking will be done on not attempting a question.

Validity of Test

UET entry test marks are valid for one year.

Necessary Actions

  • The candidates must reach their respective centers well before the genesis of the test on respective date.
  • The  following documents  are necessary to appear in the test. Duly Stamped “Candidate’s Copy” of the application form
    1. Original CNIC/B-Form  
    2. Admit card issued by UET
  • For any query/complaint regarding the online registration, contact the university.
  • Mobile phones and calculators are strictly prohibited.

UET Admission Exam Testing Locations/Exam Centres

Following mentioned will be the centers of UET entry test AKA ECAT.

  1. Taxila
  2. Multan
  3. Lahore
  4. Bahawalpur
  5. Faisalabad
  6. Gujrat
  7. Rawalpindi
  8. Karachi
  9. Peshawar
  10. Quetta

UET Contact Details for Entry Test Related Information

Address: University of Engineering and Technology, G.T. Rd, Lahore 54890

Phone NO: 042-99029216, 042-99029452

E Mail:


Prepare for the UET Entry Test with

To start preparing for the UET entry test by, sign uo using the above form and request a free demo.’s comprehensive course (PFUNG) will prepare you for not only UET’s entry test but also you will be able to score top marks in other admissions tests like PIEAS, FAST, NUST and GIKI.

Video Lectures

over 2000 Video Lectures

Powerpoint Presentations

Over 2000 Powerpoint Presentations for Fast Revision


35000 + MCQs with well written explanations

Agile & Functional Learning Tools Offered by

PERSONALIZED STUDY for Entry Test Preparation


With, you as a student can have your own personalized study plan according to your own situation instead of relying on one criteria for all. You can decide for yourself how you would like to plan your study on your individual strengths and weaknesses.

VIDEO LECTURES for Entry Test Preparation


Video lectures by fully qualified and experienced professors on all topics of all subjects. Everything explained with the help of innovative teaching methodology. Video Lecture, HD quality for desktops, tablets and mobile devices.

FAST REVISION NOTES for Entry Test Preparation


Notes in the form of slide-shows of all sections of all subjects enabling fast revision of highest yield facts. Information is limited to essentials only with self-evident content. Entire content of all slide-shows in standard format available on desktop, tablets and mobile devices

PAST PAPERS for Entry Test Preparation


We have data for actual past papers of the previous MDCAT, ECAT and other entry tests. This will help you to get the feel of the exam but you can have a go at them and see your scores. It has been observed that a few questions are repeated in the next tests.

FULL LENGTH PRACTICE EXAMS for Entry Test Preparation


Practice tests that closely resemble format of real exam. Questions are written according to latest exam trends. Each test comes with detailed analysis and an approximate score in final exam so students can get an idea of their expected performance.

QUESTION BANK for Entry Test Preparation


Practice with all types of pattern and past questions from each topic of every subject along with well written explanations. Interactive and intelligent software predicts score of learner in final exam and suggests necessary actions to be taken for improving the performance.



While using you get your detailed reports on all content you have used and whats remaining. These analytics also show you the reports of all the practice tests where you can see exactly in which chapters of which subjects you need to focus more.


SKILL ENHANCEMENT VIDEOS is not just about studying for exams, we also offer personal skills development videos. These videos can help you enhance your personal characteristics like book reading, time management, stress management, general instruction for exams etc.

PERSONALIZED NOTES for Entry Test Preparation

NEWS AND EVENTS tries its best to keep you updated with all the related news and happenings in the education sector that can be of helpful to you as a student. You can see all of this information in your student account at any time.

DISCUSSION FORUM for Entry Test Preparation


Practice tests that closely resemble format of real exam. Questions are written according to latest exam trends. Each test comes with detailed analysis and an approximate score in final exam so students can get an idea of their expected performance.

The Complete Online Solution for Entry Test Preparation.


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