I recently visit the top grade website It is very informative app It provides a lot of material for test This app is serving students with vedio lecture revision slides and a lot of practice and MCQs ...
Posted 11 months ago
Based on review.io reviews I made my decision and got account activated So far Ive been given wonderfull and prompt support from topgrade team. They shall provide all the WhatsApp support. I'm conf...
Posted 1 year ago
This is the top Academy . I have found ever . This has Normal Fees . This has Best syllabus , Best Video Lectures , Best MCQS Collection , Best Teachers , Best review system , Best Testing System And ...
Posted 2 years ago
It is very helpful...
Posted 2 years ago
Superb app for conceptual based study for all entry tests in pakistan. Very easy to use and very less expensive....
Posted 2 years ago
TopGrade.PK is a highly evolving and student-friendly academic online platform that helps students from all backgrounds prepare for entry tests at different engineering universities. With a fully online service, TopGrade.pk makes PIEAS Entry Test preparation more manageable. Every year thousands of students join various academies and coachings to qualify for the PIEAS Entry Test, which costs a lot of wasted time. Moreover, Pakistan is a third-world country, and students don't have many financial resources to pursue entry test preparation in high fee academies and coachings. TopGrade offers modern teaching methods for online entry test preparations like video lectures, MCQs, practice tests, performance analysis, and anything else a student needs to prepare for the PIEAS Entry Test at a fraction of the original price. TopGrade.pk is an excellent and dependable online instructional framework that has helped students get admission to top engineering colleges like GIKI, PIEAS, UET, and NUST.
1. What is PIEAS Entry Test?
2. Who is Eligible to take PIEAS Entry Test?
3. How Do I Register for PIEAS Entry Test? When PIEAS Entry Test 2021 Will Held?
In order to register for the PIEAS Entry Test, click the following link and apply according to the instructions and guidelines are given by the University.
The last date of registration is in August 2025. You can apply for PIEAS Entry Test 2025by clicking the link below:
PIEAS Entry Test will be held in August 2025 for Rawalpindi/Islamabad.
4. What Are the Selection Criteria for Admission in ENGINEERING based on the PIEAS Entry Test?
I. HSSC / Equivalent: 15%
II. F.Sc. or F.Sc. (Part I): 25%
III. PIEAS Entry Test: 60 %
IV. O-level/ A-Level 40% (O-Level equivalence from IBCC).
5. What is the Format of the PIEAS Entry Test?
I. The mathematics or Biology section will have 30 MCQs
II. The Physics section will have 30 MCQs.
III. The chemistry or Computer Science portion will have 30 MCQs.
The total number of MCQs will be 90.
The total marks of the PIEAS Entry Test will be 270. Three marks are given for every correct answer. There is a negative marking of one mark for each incorrect answer in the test.
The total time allowed will be 2 hours.
6. What Is the Syllabus of the PIEAS Entry Test?
You can have the Course Content of the PIEAS Entry Test 2025 by clicking the link below:
7. How Is PIEAS Entry Test Scored? How long will the PIEAS Entry Test Score remain valid?
8. Where will PIEAS Entry Test be Held?
PIEAS Entry Test will be held in all cities of Pakistan.
9. What Is the Difficulty Level of the PIEAS Entry Test?
The PIEAS Entry Test, on the other hand, can be pretty challenging at times. It's a difficult exam. This exam is designed to identify the best students who will become future engineers. As a result, you must keep in mind that you will not be able to achieve good scores on this exam if you are careless. Only MCQs are asked in the PIEAS Entry Test, and they can be of three types:
Memory-based questions are exact lines from the books.
For Example:
a) Loss of electrons
b) Addition of hydrogen
c) Decrease in oxidation number
d) All the above
This question focuses on the fundamental notion of oxidation. Straight-away lines from the literature are available as options. As you can see, all of the oxidation possibilities are correct. As a result, option (d) is the proper response.
Analysis-based questions are concepts of the books.
For Example:
a) Vectors can never be added and subtracted by simple arithmetic means.
b) Vectors can always be added and subtracted by simple arithmetic means.
c) Vectors can sometimes be added and subtracted by simple arithmetic means.
d) None of the above.
The idea is that simple arithmetic is used to add and subtract parallel and anti-parallel vectors. As a result, assertions (a) and (b) are incorrect. Option (d) may be a distraction, while option (c) is the best answer to the current question.
Applications-based questions are related to real-life situations.
For Example:
a) 1.4255 m
b) 2.0475 m
c) 2.1450 m
d) 3.2434 m
e) 4.1250 m
An individual's extremely normal heights are mentioned in this example. Increasing regularly should result in a solution bigger than 2 meters, based on the data. Height of three or four meters, on the other hand, is irrational and is frequently reduced. A height of fewer than 1.625 meters is frequently ruled out. As a result, the solution is either (b) or (c) (c). If you check, you'll see that his highest height is 2.1450, and his minimum height is a couple of 2.0475, indicating that (c) is the correct answer.
To begin, let me quote a well-known American investor: "It's fantastic to learn from your mistakes." It's preferable to learn from other people's mistakes." The PIEAS Entry Test is a difficult exam to pass. Every year, thousands of students take this exam, but only a small number of them succeed. As previously stated, if you recognize the flaws that other students who failed to achieve their objectives made, you can remedy them before making the same mistakes. Allow us to explain the most common mistakes students make and how you may prevent them.
Following are the common mistakes made by students.
Many students do not schedule their studies and rely entirely on lecturers or institutes for their education. This is an altogether wrong approach. Only you and no one else can ensure your exam success. "SELF REALIZATION is the best instructor, SELF LEARNING is the finest teaching, and SELF PRACTICING is the best incentive"
This is another example of students' poor PIEAS Entry Test preparation. They don't pay attention in class to the most critical exam topics. The syllabus for the PIEAS Entry Test is comprehensive. It's a lengthy list of responsibilities. Two years of coursework must be reviewed in a few months. So, if you begin studying from one side, such as chronologically, there's a good probability you won't be ready to have a firm grip on the subject that will be more or less important in the exam. "There is no such thing as I don't have time; you simply need to priorities better,"
How can you tell if you're using an active or passive study method? Let me tell you something: if you're studying a topic/subject and your interest in it doesn't grow, you're using a passive study method. As a result, sincerity is necessary for active review. When it comes to your goal, you want to be sympathetic. You're learning passively if no queries about your topic come to your mind while you're studying. You should keep in mind that answering the question correctly is only half of the battle. As a result, if you want to actively review, you need to come up with questions about the subject and investigate the solutions.
When taking PIEAS Entry Test practice tests, you will make mistakes. However, the essential feature that distinguishes you from other students is that you simply learn from your mistakes. Make an effort to avoid making the same mistake again. Look for any wrong MCQs after you've finished the test. This could prevent you from making a similar mistake on the real exam.
Many students continue to prepare for the exam, unaware of the fact that as part of their final preparation, they will need to go over the entire curriculum once or twice. They won't be able to revise the entire syllabus in one or two days if they don't make any quick syllabus revision notes.
Some students assume they are already familiar with the material and do not need to pay attention to it. Many fail because they are overconfident. Whatever you know or believe, you must see the topic on the PIEAS Entry Test concept. You'd like to amend that at the very least.
Exam cramming is a habit that some students have. However, because the PIEAS Entry Test comprises F.Sc parts 1 and 2, which is a pretty substantial curriculum, you won't cram the entire syllabus. Although some topics can be memorized, the majority is conceptual and requires in-depth understanding. You'll be more likely to fail if you don't.
Because of your F.Sc scores or other conditions, you may feel that you will breeze through specific topics or courses. If you believe you are good at physics but do not prepare for the PIEAS Entry Test, you will have a good probability of failing. Regardless of how proficient you were at that issue or subject, you had to go over it extensively. Because such disciplines usually produce a high PIEAS Entry Test output.
Concentrate on the areas that are likely to be tested to ace this exam. On the other hand, some students become engrossed in challenging problems and seek out additional information, even if it is unrelated to the test. You must recognize that your exam will not feature every difficult question or topic. Yes, there will be difficult questions, but you must carefully determine which ones should and should not be handled.
If you think you can prepare for the PIEAS Entry Test on your own and won't require any aid from an instructor or supervision, you're mistaken. The PIEAS Entry Test may be an entirely different exam from your matric, F.Sc, or other exams. Each student will require supervision and appropriate education to pass it. You just cannot match your instructors' level of experience.
You're entirely lost if you're studying for the PIEAS Entry Test but not taking practice exams. Because you won't be able to test yourself on the stuff you've prepared, no matter how well you prepare. As the saying goes, "your eyes don't see what your mind doesn't know." It implies that you can't know your faults unless you've made them yourself. As a result, you'd prefer to take as many practice exams as possible before taking the actual exam.
Some students feel that passing the exam is straightforward; however, this is not the case. As a result, they relax and wait till they find out to begin reviewing. Because the syllabus is not short, going over all of the content will take time and close attention.
The importance of your daily routine to your exam success cannot be overstated. You will not be able to pass this exam if your routine is varied. The syllabus for the PIEAS Entry Test comprises two years of content, which is difficult to cover in a few months. Therefore, you'll need to stick to a rigid schedule to prepare for the exam and improve your scores.
Many capable students fail due to negative thinking. Some pupils believe they are unable to differentiate because they lack the necessary skills. This is a poor plan. Your ability to think positively will determine your level of success. You must believe that you will be able to get away with it. Put your heart and soul into it, and have faith in Allah Almighty to not let your efforts go to waste. Insha'Allah, your efforts will bear fruit.
The PIEAS Entry Test is a difficult exam to pass. Every year, a large number of students apply for this exam, but only a few are chosen. You must be dedicated to your future in order to ace this exam. Hard work combined with smart work is the secret to exam success. You must know where to exert the most effort and where to exert the least effort. TopGrade.pk gives you the most effective technique for overcoming this exam. To do well on the PIEAS Entry Test, you must first understand which sections are most important and which do not appear to be. You should be aware of the exam's statistical data, and TopGrade.pk facilitates strategic preparation by keeping this important information in mind and increasing your chances of success.
There are 3 types of areas in the PIEAS Entry Test:
I. High Importance:Remember! Your focus should be prioritized efficiently. The High important areas need detailed study. 54 out of 90 MCQs will be just from 28 sections, i.e., 64% of paper will be from 40% of the syllabus. So, these sections should be your first priority because most of the exams will be from these sections.
II. Medium Importance:Similarly, Medium importance areas should get on 2nd priority. 26 out of 90 MCQs will be from 25 sections, i.e., 26% of paper will be from 36% of the syllabus. So, you ought to choose these areas after you're through with your 1st priority.
III. Low Importance:Low importance areas will be on 3rd priority because these don't have much importance. 10 out of 90 MCQs will be from 17 sections, i.e., 10% of paper will be from 24% of the syllabus. So, you can consider these as low importance areas.
Online PIEAS Entry Test prep is best in an exceedingly way than conventional academies. Let me tell you. How? Well, there can be many reasons but let's just highlight the main differences:
You receive easy accessibility to all or any of the syllabuses in Online PIEAS Entry Test Prep. You also get to anticipate the actual lecture to be delivered. You are free to study whatever you want. Because you have the entire syllabus in your hands, your preparation will be better in certain aspects.
Online Preparation might save you a lot of time. Allow us to enlighten you. How? You lose a lot of time in traditional academies traveling, getting ready for the academy, waiting for the teacher to return and conduct the lecture, and so on. However, with online prep, you may organize any syllabus you like with just a few clicks.
You'll be able to study more successfully using online preparation. Allow us to tell you in this manner. In traditional academies, you do not get to hear the entire lecture. You'll begin with the specific section that you'd like to learn more about unless you feel you'd like to specialize in it.
You'll grasp and comprehend things better if you study online. You'll be able to take a break whenever you have any doubts. You'll be prepared to listen to the exact video lecture again and over again. This aids in your comprehension of the subject.
When you study online, you have complete control over the academy's schedule. You'll be able to plan your day in accordance with your lifestyle or daily routine. Traditional academics do not give you the authority to request lectures at your leisure.
In traditional academies, however, you must concentrate until the lesson is completed. You don't have the flexibility to think about certain things that you'd like to figure out. However, you will be able to study according to your priorities here in online preparation academies. You'll be prepared to defend yourself against the areas over which you don't have a strong grasp.
Thousands of scholars, professors, and parents in Pakistan rely on us. TopaGrade.pk has the most positive feedback and comments on online PIEAS Entry Test Prep. Our system has a high level of satisfaction among students. We've won your trust by providing high-quality services that are the result of a decade of hard work and dedication. By selecting the review area on this page, you will be able to read and listen to the reviews.
We will put together the exact combination of subjects and other courses that you require. You will be able to select from a variety of courses and subjects. You'll be able to use one subscription to access many exam courses. You will receive the best preparation without having to enroll in an academy.
For your PIEAS Entry Test Preparation, TopGrade.pk provides you with the only study schedule available. Our team will occasionally give you the most effective study plan with which you may prepare for the PIEAS Entry Test.
There are video lectures accessible that are both extensive and simple to understand. We have around 450 video lectures recorded by the most competent experts with decades of PIEAS Entry Test teaching experience.
We supply you with Fast Revision Notes to help you prepare quickly. These notes can help you revise the entire curriculum in a matter of hours. If you don't want to watch the entire video lesson on a topic you already know, you can simply read the quick revision note. This will help you prepare faster.
TopGrade.pk has a database of about 29000 questions, which has been accumulated over many years of experience. Each question is accompanied by a piece of evidence that aids in the comprehension of the answer. After reading the reasons, if you still don't comprehend the solution, you'll be prepared to ask for extra information, which might be delivered within 24 to 48 hours.
TopGrade.pk offers you all of the previous questions that have surfaced in recent years. Not only did they give them, but they also organized them into sections. This may help you identify the types of questions that will be asked on the exam.
TopGrade provides you with a realistic appraisal of your preparation. Our student panel has a clever algorithm that evaluates your performance and preparation. It indicates how well you've prepared for the exam. It displays your evaluation as a chart graph, making it simple to understand your degree of preparation.
TopGrade.pk gives you with live doubts debate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are separate WhatsApp groups for each subject where you may ask teachers questions and communicate with other students to share your concerns. Boys and girls are divided into two groups.
Full-length practice examinations are available that are nearly identical to the real-time exam. This will give you a lot of confidence when it comes time to take the major exam. This may help you determine your degree of preparation and pace for each MCQ.
Dr. Muazzam Manzoor, the CEO, and co-founder of TopGrade.pk, provides adequate guidance to students through webinars whenever necessary. Students are welcome to ask questions about their academics. They'll be prepared to dispel any doubts they may have. These webinars will be beneficial in your preparation.
TopGrade.pk brings you the most up-to-date information. Topgrade.Pk will supply you with the most up-to-date content of the PIEAS Entry Test, regardless of how much the curriculum has changed.
TopGrade.pk supplies you with the most up-to-date syllabus materials. In your paid subscription, you will receive the exact curriculum and all of the materials covered in accordance with the most updated policies.
TopGrade.Pk's course and associated WhatsApp groups are open to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It can be used at any time without restriction. You'll be prepared to view as many video lectures as you want, answer as many questions as you want, and read as many quick revision notes as you want.
TopGrade.pk will show you how to prepare for the PIEAS Entry Test in the most efficient way possible. You'll receive detailed instructions on the importance and difficulty level of each segment and subject. This could help your' priorities more effectively.
When compared to other traditional and online academies, the pricing is significantly lower. It's worth almost 1/10th of what traditional academics is worth. TopGrade.pk has made it possible for students from low-income families to study for this exam.
First, watch the video lecture on the subject. Then read the Fast Revision Slides. Then study an equivalent topic from your textbook and practice as many MCQs as you will. Then view your mistakes, read the reasons and repeat. Prepare your PIEAS for the 2025 session according to the following TopGrade. Pk's Line of Action.
a) Lecture
b) Book
c) Revision notes
d) Attempt questions according to the preference
Remember! Time management is a critical skill for exam achievement. Make good use of your time.
1st Cycle:
You should attempt more straightforward questions first and skip harder ones.
2nd Cycle:
Attempt difficult questions
3rd Cycle:
Attempt all remaining questions.
Remember! The way you tackle MCQs in the exam hall will have a significant impact on your final grade. As a strategy, choose your MCQs carefully.
Plan A:
Read the statement and understand it (read the options and re-read if you don't get it the first time). Solve the question and predict the answer. Find the answer and select it.
Plan B:
Resolve the issue from the back.
Plan C:
Make an educated guess or skip to the next step (Skipping is usually not good).
Oxidation is
A. Loss of electrons
B. Addition of hydrogen
C. Decrease in oxidation number
D. All the above
(For instance, always, never, ever, none, all, only, and so on.)
There are lots of questions that students frequently ask, we have tried to answer as many as possible