Excellent online learning platform! Engaging video lectures, interactive quizzes, and personalized feedback. Experienced instructors, flexible pacing, and affordable pricing. Highly recommend for acad...
Posted 5 months ago
Excellent online learning platform! Engaging video lectures, interactive quizzes, and personalized feedback. Experienced instructors, flexible pacing, and affordable pricing. Highly recommend for acad...
Posted 5 months ago
They guide me alot and give discount also They also have a quality of leactures...
Posted 8 months ago
TOP GRADE ACADEMY PROVIDED ME WITH COMPREHENSIVE AND PERSONALIZED GUIDANCE, Helping me feel confidence and prepared me for my entery test.Their expert instructors and supportive staff made all the dif...
Posted 11 months ago
Very effective...
Posted 1 year ago
Students can now do NAT pre-medical test preparation by traversing online. They can attempt the online test as much as they need. Through this Pre medical online test, you can show the signs of improvement and attempt the NAT test in an extraordinary way.
TopGrade.pk is one of the most popular online entry test preparation system. As compared to others what TopGrade.pk offers you is really matchless. You can get past papers here, a vast range of MCQ’s make your preparation even flawless. We are 24/7 here to assist you because TopGrade.pk do care about you.
Students get the entire information of all other tests also on a similar stage. It is prescribed to the student to complete the entire premedical online test so they will have the capacity to give their best in the test and will likewise have the capacity to get high scores in the NAT-IM test. By striving these tests the applicants will have the capacity to improve their uttered, quantifiable and also their logical aptitudes.
NAT test is essential for the competitors to take, who wish to get admission in NTS affiliated institutes. NAT test is the prerequisite of a large portion of the colleges in Pakistan for the admission.
The primary goal of taking the NAT test is to examine the worthiness and ineligibility of the competitors for advance studies. The test is legitimate for one year. NAT-IM test is fundamentally sorted out for the students of Premedical. This is the necessity of a large portion of the medical colleges to take NAT pre Medical test for getting admission in medical field. The test comprises of 90 MCQs and the offered time to endeavour the paper is 120 minutes.
NTS NAT IM Test is for the candidates who have completed 12 years Intermediate or Equivalent Education in Pre Medical Group, and seeking admission in University at Graduate Level.
All the students who have completed their 12 years of Education are eligible for the test.
The candidates can take any one of these NAT-I test according to their fields of study.
Every university evaluate the score according to their terms and conditions.
Physics, Chemistry and Biology should be prepared from FSc textbooks. And there are books in market for quantitative and analytical reasoning.
The score of NAT is valid for one year only.
To get the details about the test Centre click the link given below.