I feel very very happy to become a student of your academy my experience is really splendid with yours this is really a trustable app for students and the staff of this academy is very good may Allah ...
Posted 7 months ago
Top grade is a very good app or platform for the students who want to start their prep for mdcat and fsc.I am very impressed by their past papers mcqs portion and their road map thing for chapter prep...
Posted 9 months ago
It's a good platform and easy to learn mdcat with fsc...
Posted 11 months ago
I absolutely love the Top Grade app! It's been incredibly helpful for my studies. The interface is user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through different subjects and topics. The variety of resou...
Posted 1 year ago
Topgrade is best for ecat mdcat FSC and for a and o level...
Posted 1 year ago
ICS is a higher secondary school certificate with major in computer science. This course is equivalent to FSc pre-engineering and takes 2 years to complete. If you are looking to establish a career in the diversified field of IT and computer sciences than this is the stepping stone for such education. ICS part 2 provide you an opportunity to attain maximum marks to help you get close to the merit list.
TopGrade.pk is responsible for providing excellent preparation material for the ICS part 2 preparation. We were one of the first to spot the potential of online education in Pakistan and have since invested in terms of preparation material and infrastructure.
Conventional means of preparation for ICS entrance exam are expensive, tiresome and hard to follow. You incur unnecessary expenses along the way and lots of important time is wasted. Online education is the answer to all of those problems. You do not have to spend time in commuting to the academy and can save on expenses and time consumed and during the pandemic this is the only safe way to get the preparation done and claim an edge over the competition.
We were one of the earliest investors in online education sector. A collaboration of talented IT experts and experienced education experts produced one of the most comprehensive and detailed online portals for the young aspirants to prepare for ICS part 2 and succeed in the entrance exam.
Punjab leads the whole country in setting up the tone for the syllabus.TopGrade.pk keeps a keen eye and provide sufficient material for the students in Punjab to get ahead of the competition.
Sindh and Punjab share similar ways in syllabus and there is not much difference between the two.TopGrade.pk provides preparation material accordingly.
Baluchistan proudly presents its own identity and language and its syllabus presents its own values and TopGrade.pk provide the preparation material accordingly.
KPK takes cues from its regional identity and TopGrade.pk is happy to provide the preparation material according to the requirements.
Being the further most area and not as developed as the rest of the regions means that Federal board provide most of the syllabus to this region and TopGrade.pk is well prepared to cater this region.
The Federally administered tribal areas and Azad Jammu Kashmir are two regions that do not have the same infrastructure as the other provinces and hence receive cues and help from Federal board in setting the curriculum. TopGrade.pk understand the situation and provide up to date content for the students of those areas to prepare and succeed in those areas.