GIKI Entry Test: Faster, Easier & Better Preparation at Home

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Best Online Preparation for Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Science & Technology (GIKI) Entrance Exam

GIKI Entry Test preparation

Best Online Academy for Entry Test Preparation

During the pandemic years, the world has accepted the importance of online education modules, and it has also brought amazing, fruitful results. TopGrade.Pk is an online entry test preparation academy that has helped thousands of students secure their admissions at different Institutes of Pakistan. TopGrade.Pk is doing its best to help future leaders, engineers, doctors, and successful business people to get into their institutes. TopGrade.Pk helps students prepare for the GIKI Entrance Test.

1. What is the GIKI Entry test?

The Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIK) has been recognized as one of the most renowned engineering institutes. GIKI has produced bright engineers both in sciences and technology over the decades and still helping students make their careers bright and successful. GIKI graduates are working in the world’s most prestigious companies and making the GIKI proud. GIKI has its own entrance Test to offer admission to students of both undergraduate and graduate called the GIKI Entry Test.

2. Why is it important to take GIKI Test?

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIK) has its own entrance test for undergraduate and post-graduate admissions. And in order to get admission to GIK, you have to take and also pass this Test. Gulam Ishaq Khan University is one of the most prestigious institutes in Pakistan and is also an internationally recognized University. It offers admissions to only those students who deserve and have the competence to go ahead. So, let me tell you that the GIK Entrance test is compulsory for you to secure your admission. This Test judges students’ academic and intellectual abilities to make sure the finest minds come ahead to serve the nation in the future. TopGrade.Pk is helping a lot of students preparing their GIKI tests.

3. Who is eligible to take GIKI Test?

The eligibility criterion to take GIK Test is as follows:

I. You must have completed your HSSC degree in Pre-Engineering i-e, Mathematics, Physics, and chemistry, with at least 60% marks overall.

II. For students of Pre-Medical: HSSC with additional mathematics and 60% marks in mathematics, physics, and overall.

III. For A-Level Students: Students are eligible to take GIK Test if they have done their A-Level exam with Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry and have also completed their O-Level in the following subjects, English, Biology/Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies & Urdu.

IV. Students applying from abroad must have completed their O-Level in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Computer Science.

V. Those students who have Canadian or American High School Diploma or International Baccalaureate Diploma with Mathematics (with Calculus), Physics and Chemistry with a minimum 60% or above marks, as per IBCC equivalence formula, each in Mathematics, Physics & Overall are eligible to take GIKI Test.

VI. Students who have done their previous degree in B.Ss (Mathematics & Physics) or three years Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE) in relevant technology from a Pakistani Board of Technical Education, with at least 60% marks, are eligible to take the GIKI entrance test.


  • Those students who have a background in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry background are also eligible for all Programs, including Computer Science or Computer Engineering.
  • Students with a Computer Studies /Computer Science background instead of Chemistry at their HSSC or A-Level are also eligible for Computer Engineering or Computer Science.


4. How do I register to take GIKI Test? When will GIKI Test be held for the 2025 session?

In order to register for the GIKI Entrance test, click on the following link

  • Go to
  • Create or register your account by filling in your name and other necessary information the demand
  • Complete your profile by uploading a professional photo
  • Choose your degree and program, and after uploading all required documents, submit your application fee
  • GIKI also gives scholarships to bright and needy students. You can also apply for a scholarship or loan.
  • There are also other scholarships students can avail of after their admission, including Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF), Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, FATA scholarships and Financial Assistance (Interest-Free Loan).
  • After completing your application, now take a print of the Bank Challan. You can check the fee of tests on their website.
  • After submission of the fee, fill the profile section and provides paid Challan bank details.
  •  On the test day, bring your paid Challan form copy, results of previous degrees and your I.D. card.


5. What is the Format of the GIKI Test?

The students can also take SAT if they don’t want to go for the GIKI Entrance test. But they can only take one Test, either SAT or GIKI entry test. If they apply for both tests, they will be disqualified automatically. Always remember GIKI test is a highly competitive exam, and you have to take it seriously.

    I. Exam format

  • The Mathematics section will have 30 MCQs
  • The Physics section will have 30 MCQs
  • The English section will have 20 MCQs
  • Total Marks: 200 Marks
  • Time Allowed: 120 Minutes               

    II. Total marks

  • Each correct question carries 2.5 marks.
  • Each wrong answer deducts one mark only in mathematics and physics.
  • If you did not attempt any question, zero or no marks would be deducted.

     III. Time allowed

  • The total time allowed to solve the complete paper of 200 MCQs is 120 Minutes

Important policies

  • GIKI entrance exam is valid only for one year


6. What Is the Syllabus of the GIKI Test?

The syllabus for the undergraduate GIKI test includes F.Sc books and specific topics. And similarly, for graduate students and post-graduate includes previous degree topics. For the undergraduate GIKI Test, each degree has different topics. You can get access to these topics by clicking on the following link.

Graduate and post-graduate students can get the link for the topics by clicking on the following link.

You can also get the complete GIKI test syllabus from TopGrade.Pk. TopGrade.Pk has been helping thousands of students secure their admission at GIKI and other institutes.


7. How is GIKI Test scored? How Long Its Scores will remain valid?

Students who are applying from abroad or foreign countries can take Admission Test OR SAT-II (in Mathematics and Physics for Engineering and Computer Science Programs and in any two subjects for Management Sciences Program)



HSSC Part 1 + SSC/Equivalent.  

10% +5%

O-level (for those with O-Level and A-Level background


Latest qualification for High School Diploma, I.B. diploma or B.Sc. or DAE



  • The scores will remain valid only for the year it was taken.


8. How many universities consider GIKI Test results to offer B.S., MPhil and PhD admission?

The Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIK) has its own entrance test known as GIKI Entry Test. GIKI Entry test is only valid for the GIK Institute, and students cannot get admission to any other university based on the GIKI entry test.

9. Where will GIKI Test be Held?

The GIKI entry test is held in the following cities of Pakistan, and you can choose your relevant city for the Test.

  • Rawalpindi
  • Peshawar
  • Lahore
  • Quetta
  • Karachi
  • Multan


10. What Is the Difficulty Level of the GIKI Test?

If we talk about the difficulty level of the GIKI test, then it is always higher than other entrance tests. It is the most difficult and conceptual Test among all other Universities of Pakistan. It’s a highly competitive test and meant to test students’ academic and intellectual skills and abilities so that the finest and competitive students should come ahead. GIKI has introduced this Test to seek the best doctors, engineers and scientists. So, you cannot pass this exam with carelessness. You have to prepare for this Test properly with passion and a serious attitude. TopGrade.Pk will help you schedule and prepare your GIKI test.

11. Why do Students fail in GIKI Test?

Students only fail when they do not take Tests serious and think they can prepare on their own. Every year thousands of students appear in the exam, and only a few pass the exam. The only secret to passing this exam is to learn from others mistakes. TopGrade.Pk has spent many hours researching why students fail in the GIKI entrance exam. Following are the reasons why students fail in GIKI test.

  • Not Having Own Study Plan and Relying on Teachers Completely

Students mostly fail when they do not devise or prepare their own schedule or routine and only depend on the lectures or academies. Teachers or lecturers can only give you an idea or help you cover the syllabus but cannot assure your success until you devise a study plan. Sometimes students even do not know how to prioritize the syllabus or make a proper study plan; therefore, TopGrade.Pk helps those students to devise and plan a proper study plan. It will not only help you schedule your study plan but also will help you achieve the goal.  

  • Studying In Chronological Order Rather Than Priority Order

This is another reason for most of the failures. Students normally start from page 1 and then end on the last page without knowing the most important or least important topics. Students waste their precious time studying chronologically and fail in the GIKI exam. TopGrade.Pk will help them prioritize the topics based on their exam percentage. 

  • Using Passive Study Strategies

Passivity comes when you lack passion and seriousness in the preparation. Students prepare for the GIKI only to pass the exam and not to learn or refresh the past knowledge. To pass the GIKI test and other difficult entrance tests, you have to study actively. When your brain starts questioning the topic you are studying is called active study.

  • Not Analyzing and Improving Your Test-Taking Skills

TopGrade.PK provides a huge question and test bank. Students fail when they attempt practice papers and do not look for the right answers to wrongly attempted questions. Students should search for the reasons for wrongly attempted questions. This point will differentiate you from other students, and you will ultimately pass the GIKI test. TopGrade.Pk provides reasons and justification for each MCQ.

  • Not Devising Ways of Fast Revision Along with Your Classes

Creating a study plan consisting of a proper revision plan once or twice before the exam is very important. When students start their preparation, they do not make a proper schedule for the revision, and at the end of the time, they do have not enough time to revise what they have prepared. 

  • Not Reviewing Information, You Already Know

It is a famous saying, “Confidence is a fine trait, and over-confidence isn’t”. Overconfident students fail when they think they don’t need to revise previous information that they already knew.

  • Memorizing Rather Than Understanding

Most students think they will pass the GIKI entrance test or other entrance tests by cramming their syllabus as they have done in F.Sc or Bachelors. But the fact is that the GIKI test is highly and completely conceptual base. TopGrade.Pk helps students understand the basic concepts behind the topics and to pass the GIKI test.

  • Failing To Master Certain High-Yield Subjects or Topics Owing to Overconfidence

It’s a common observation that students who have good grades in past exams do not give importance to those subjects and think they do not need to prepare well for them, and that’s why they sit to attempt highly competitive exams like GIKI get blanked and ultimately failed. TopGrade.Pk provides a complete syllabus with an appropriate division of the percentage to each subject according to the GIKI syllabus.

  • Studying Material That Is Rarely Tested on the GIKI Test

Students at this level mostly do not know the most important or least important topics and waste their major time on the least important ones.

  • Trying To Do It All Alone

If you think you can prepare all alone for the GIKI entrance test, then you are not right. You will fail if you do not seek help from experts in GIKI preparation because it is the most difficult entrance exam as compared to the other entrance exams. You have to consult with the experts like TopGrade ultimately platform that provides proper guidance 

  • Not Testing Yourselves on The Material

For the GIKI preparation, take tests as many as you can. Because this is the only way, you will learn from your mistakes. You cannot learn if you do not make mistakes when you take different tests at TopGrade.Pk you will see your mistakes. Therefore, it is very important to take tests on TopGrade.Pk. 

  • Starting To Study Too Late

GIKI entrance test is not like the routine class tests you will prepare before the exam night or within a few days. You will have to prepare for the Test from day one if you want good grades.

  • Not Having a Proper Routine/Timetable

“Time management is life management.” Not having a proper solid timetable or consistent routine will make you repent on exam day.

  • Negative Thinking

“Negative thinking is the only problem in life.” Most intelligent and hard-working students fail only when they think they cannot pass the GIKI or any other competitive exam. Negative thinking sucks your intelligence and courage.

12. How to Study for Scoring Higher on GIKI Test?

If you really want to score higher on the GIKI test, you will have to set a specific target and then work hard to achieve that target. It is very important to set a realistic study plan for the GIKI entrance test. Follow the guidelines given by TopGrade.Pk below.

  • Focus More on Most Likely to Be Tested Topics

As I have told above, GIKI is not an easy exam to pass. You will fail if you will not take it seriously. It needs your passion and seriousness to pass. Besides the passion and seriousness, you must know the importance of the entire syllabus. First, you should make a complete list of the least, more and most important topics of the GIKI test. You can save your time and can easily get the priority wise topics from the TopGrade.Pk.

  • High Importance

First, create a list of the most or high important topics or download from TopGrade.Pk. Make them your priority and focus on them.

  • Medium Importance

After the successful completion of the priority areas, move on to the medium or 2nd important areas.

  • Low Importance

Keep the least important topics at the end of the priority list, but that doesn’t mean you will not have to study them. Give them justifiable time as per their importance.


13. Why Is Online GIKI Test Preparation Better?

The world has been revolutionizing and changing its learning domains at a faster pace than a decade ago. Now people have come to know about smart online study, and they are validating the online mode of education. That time has gone when you need to spend hours and hours searching for a good academy and then wasting precious time in everyday travel and commute. People now prefer smart ideas and plans to conventional ones. Following are the pros of the online mode of study for the GIKI entrance exam.

I. Ease of Access

TopGrade.Pk is a highly evolving online study platform. There you will have access to all the lectures, notes, syllabus 24/7 online material. You will not have to wait for the teachers to come and deliver the lecture. It is easy to access the entire syllabus and preparation material

​​​​​​​II. Time-saving

Online study saves your time in many ways. It not only saves your time but hard-earned money too. You will not need to go to the academy and waste time in daily preparation. You will need to just log in to the TopGrade.Pk and start your preparation without wasting a minute. ​​​​​​​

III. More Effective study

Online study has been recognized as the most effective study because students don’t have to watch the entire lecture. For example, if a student wants to clarify his concept about a particular topic, he will just skip the entire video and listen to that specific point. This will save both time and energy for students. 

​​​​​​​IV. Personalized Learning

TopGrade.Pk provides you with personalized and customized learning. You can easily select the customized study plan from the website and start the preparation.

14. Why Join for GIKI Test Prep?

TopGrade.Pk is the most efficient and effective online platform that offers complete GIKI entrance test preparation.

  • The # 1 Exam Prep App

TopGrade.Pk is the first preference of thousands of students, teachers and parents. It is an easy and smooth website that even a layperson can learn easily to operate. TopGrade.Pk has earned students’ reviews by working hard, and it has gained its position in the competitive market due to the hard work and dedication of the team and experts.

  • Custom Course for You

Students can get their required courses and subject combination as per their exam demands. TopGrade provides all courses and subject combinations at a very low cost compared to the academies and you can have access to the material 24/7.

  • Wise study schedule

The secret of toppers is always a wise study plan. No student can even pass any exam without a proper and sensible study plan. TopGrade focuses on the study plan and preparing the complete schedule.

  • Conceptual Video lectures of GIKI Entry Test

Expert teachers of TopGrade.Pk have recorded their lectures. More than 20837 video lectures are recorded by experts who have decades of experience in their relevant fields.

  • Fast Revision Slides of GIKI Entry Test

No test or exam can be passed without the proper revision. TopGrade.Pk provides 19907 fast revision notes and slides of the GIKI entrance test.

  • Unlimited MCQs Practice (With Explanations)

TopGrade.Pk has huge a huge question bank. This website has 1110599 questions and 60 full-length practice exams.

  • Topic Wise Solved Past Papers:

Students can easily get access to topic wise solved papers on TopGrade.Pk website. TopGrade has categorized all questions from the past papers and put them in the sections to help students learn about the type of questions asked in the exam.

  • Progress Tracking

TopGrade.Pk has a separate section where the system tracks the progress of the student throughout the session. Students can get an idea about their performance by just looking at the section. This helps students to focus on weaker points.

  • Live Doubts Discussion

TopGrade.Pk has an open discussion platform. Students can discuss their queries in the WhatsApp group directly with the teachers.

  • Webinars For Guidance

The CEO and co-founder of Dr Muazzam Manzoor has recorded himself the proper guidelines for students to access whenever they need through webinars. Students can ask questions relevant to their studies to clear their doubts. These webinars will help you a lot during your preparation.

  • Up-to-date Content

TopGrade.Pk regularly updates the syllabus on its website. As we know, every year syllabus changes with the new requirement, TopGrade.Pk updates its students regularly.

  • 24/7 Availability of Entire Content

TopGrade gives the courses, and respective WhatsApp groups are available for you 24/7. There are no limitations to using it anytime. You can watch as many video lectures, attempt as many questions or read as many fast revision notes as you can.

  • Lowest Fee Best Preparation

TopGrade.Pk is for every student whether he belongs to a low-income family or higher. The cost as compared to other conventional academies and online academies is much lesser. It is almost 1/10th the cost of conventional academics. has made it possible for poor background students to prepare for this exam.

15. TopGrade.Pk’s Line of Action for GIKI Entry Test Preparation

Follow TopGrade.Pk’s line of action is to prepare in the best and effective way for the GIKI Test.  

​​​​​​​I. Lecture

There are pre-recorded lectures on each topic by expert professors, and you can get access to them at any time. First, listen to the lecture on a relevant topic thoroughly and understands the conceptually.

​​​​​​​II. Book

After listening to the lecture, now open your book or notes and read them. This will help you understand the topic more precisely.

III. Revision notes

Now, it's your turn for the revision notes. Don’t skip revising what you have learnt so far from the lecture and the book.

​​​​​​​IV. Attempt questions according to the preference

After watching the lecture, read that topic from the book and revise now, move on to attempt question from the question bank of TopGrade.Pk. TopGrade.Pk has a huge question bank where you can attempt questions and estimate your overall performance.

16. What Instructions to follow on the exam day?


I. Tips to alleviate the exam anxiety

  • Prepare your test kit the night before the exam so that you do not forget the important things to bring to the exam hall. It should have all the important things supposed to take your exam room, e.g., Admit card, wristwatch, pen/ ballpoint/ pointer, chocolates, etc.
  • Get proper sleep of 5 to 6 hours before the night of the exam.
  • Always wear comfortable clothes after and take a shower going into the exam hall.
  • Do not go for the exam empty stomach and take appropriate breakfast and a cup of tea/coffee before leaving your home on the day of the exam.
  • Always go into the hall before one hour this will help you relax and understand the environment.
  • Do not talk or communicate with every student; keep your mind fresh and stay away from gossips on the exam day.


II. Tips for better time management.


  • Time management is the second most important thing after your paper preparation. In GIKI, each minute and second counts for your success.
  • When you have to get your exam paper in your hand, quickly plan your time and solve it accordingly.
  • Always attempt an easier portion or easier subject that you think you will do in lesser time. Then move on to the difficult one. Please do not start with the harder subject as it will shatter your confidence, and your energy will be disturbed.
  • Follow this cycle strategy devised by the TopGrade.Pk. 

a. 1st Cycle:

Attempt easy questions; skip difficult questions. Do not waste your time on a difficult one.

b. 2nd Cycle:

Attempt difficult questions

c. 3rd Cycle:

Attempt all remaining questions. GIKI deducts one mark for the wrong answer in physics and mathematics, so leave those questions you are not 100% sure about.

III. Tips for attempting MCQs

In the exam hall, students mostly get panic, and they make mistakes despite their knowledge. Sometimes they even know the right answer, but they mark the wrong answer because they do not have the proper strategy to attempt the questions.

TopGrade.Pk has devised the best strategy to attempt the questions.

a. Plan A:

Read the statement & understand it (read options & re-read if u doesn’t get it for the first time). Solve the Q & attempt the answer

b. Plan B:

Back solve.

c. Plan C:

Make an educated guess or skip and move on (Skipping is generally not good, but if there is negative marking, skipping is better than making a wrong guess).

IV. How to make an Educated Guess

  • If two answers seem correct, then follow the elimination rule and eliminate the MCQ with the least related to the question being asked.
  • Always prefer the most general answer when other MCQs are specific and vice versa.
  • Try to go with the most extended answer when others are much shorter but remember this trick will only help you to some extent, do not rely completely on this.
  • Prefer to go with the answer with a middle value when other answers are higher or lower.
  • Do not choose any of the similar answers. Choose one of the two opposite answers.
  • Select the grammatically matching answer. For example: a, and an = singular, are = plural.
  • Choose the answer that most closely matches keywords in the question or statement.
  • Select the known versus unknown option.
  • Choose the option that makes the most sense to you
  • Avoid answers with absolutes in them.
    (E.g., always, never, ever, none, all, only, etc.)

FAQs Regarding GIKI Entry Test 2025

There are lots of questions that students frequently ask, we have tried to answer as many as possible

The Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI) takes its own undergraduate and postgraduate admission test called the GIKI entry test.

The admission to the Bachelor Programs of the Institute is decided based on the candidate's earlier educational achievements and his/her score in the admission test, which comprises multiple-choice questions based on Pakistani intermediate level Physics, Mathematics, and English.

When it comes to the GIKI test's difficulty level, it is always greater than other entrance exams. It is the most conceptual and challenging Test offered by any of Pakistan's universities. It's a highly competitive test designed to assess students' academic and intellectual talents and abilities in order to identify the best and most competitive students. GIKI created this Test in order to find the top doctors, engineers, and scientists. As a result, you will not be able to pass this exam if you are careless.

For admission to GIKI, you must have completed your HSSC degree in Pre-Engineering, i.e., Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, with at least 60% marks overall.

The total number of MCQs in the GIKI ENTRY TEST will be 80.

You can give GIKI entry test right after your HSSC/A-level exams.

Yes, you can apply to GIKI based on SAT scores.

GIKI ENTRY TEST merit position is usually high because of fewer seats and more students.

GIKI ENTRY TEST Processing Fee is Rs. 5500 for a single Test and Rs. 6500 for both tests. Add Rs. 500 if applying for Financial Assistance. The candidate is required to register online for appearing in the GIKI ENTRY TEST.

GIKI ENTRY TEST is a significant aspect of university admission criteria in Pakistan. As a result, passing the GIKI ENTRY TEST is critical. will assist you with passing the GIKI ENTRY TEST in a comfortable, cost-effective, and timely manner. There are MCQs, video lectures, online assessments, questions banks, full-length practice tests, and much more to help you learn everything you need to know about a subject.

GIKI ENTRY TEST scores are valid for one year only.

TopGrade.Pk is the best platform to prepare for the GIKI Entry Test. It provides you with complete study material and a schedule to attain good marks in the GIKI Entry Test.

TopGrade.Pk is an online platform that offers GIKI Entry Test preparation at minimum cost all over Pakistan. It has tons of students preparing for the GIKI Entry Test and many more who passed the Test through TopGrade. Pk's help.

To pass the GIKI entry test, you should attain minimum of 50% marks. Admission in GIKI ENTRY TEST is purely merit-based.

The total number of MCQs in the GIKI Entry Test will be 80.

No, Calculators are not allowed in the GIKI entrance exam to improve your calculation skills during preparation.

There is no age limit for regular fee-paying students.

A list of successful candidates is made available on the GIKI website after about 4-6 weeks of the admission written Test.

No, GIKI Entry Test is not online. It is a paper-based test.

Same like other universities, their eligibility criteria are not very high, and you only need 60% marks in FSc to be eligible for any program in GIKI. It admits only those pupils who have earned and demonstrated their ability to succeed. This Test assesses students' academic and cognitive talents in order to ensure that the best brains are selected to serve the country in the future.

The Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (commonly referred to as GIKI) is a private research university located in Topi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan.

The last date of online registration for the GIKI ENTRY TEST is December 10, 2021.

GIKI ENTRY TEST Processing Fee is Rs. 5500 for a single Test and Rs. 6500 for both tests. Add Rs. 500 if applying for Financial Assistance. The candidate is required to register online for appearing in the GIKI ENTRY TEST.

Yes, there is a negative marking in GIKI ENTRY TEST. Each correct question carries 2.5 marks. Each wrong answer deducts one mark only in mathematics and physics. If you did not attempt any question, zero or no marks would be deducted.

Thousands of students apply for the GIKI Entry Test every year. That is why its merit is so high.

The syllabus for the undergraduate GIKI test includes F.Sc books and specific topics. And similarly, for graduate students and postgraduate includes previous degree topics. For the undergraduate GIKI Test, each degree has different topics. You can get the syllabus link above in the syllabus section.