TopGrade.pk is responsible of pioneering and delivering the most comprehensive programme, for F.SC online exam preparation, ever to be initiated in Pakistan. A collaboration between experienced and highly valued lecturers and most talented IT experts resulted in a programme that became a blessing for budding aspirants who are looking to get into the medical profession. Comprehensive lectures, revision notes and MCQs that cover both 11th and 12th class syllabus with the opportunity to create your own schedule as per your convenience.
The concept of online education is relatively new and it was slowly getting popular when sudden closure of conventional means of education due to Covid-19 propelled its popularity to new hights. Both in abroad and in Pakistan, online education has become a staple of the educational organizations. Online education officially became the de facto mean of education and every household became familiar with it.
In a country like Pakistan, parents and children share a common dream which is to somehow provide their children the education that would result in them becoming medical professionals or doctors in broad term. FSc premedical is the stepping stone that would help them prepare for the medicine specific further studies programme offered by the top medical universities of Pakistan.
A dedicated team with research and development budget enables us to stay ahead of our rivals. We strive to provide updated content to our students and keep abreast with the latest developments happening around the academic scene. We ensure that we make the online preparation simple enough for anyone to understand. We also understand that during the pandemic, providing the funds could be a challenge so we have kept the charges to the minimum and have provided many supporting services that could enhance the experience of online learning. We are student centric organization and always aspire to win more support from the students by providing them brilliant material and economical pricing. We encourage you to sign up and claim your free trial to see the amazing services that we provide.
TopGrade.pk promise a bright future for the young aspirants by providing exceptional preparation material within Punjab according to the Punjab syllabus.
Sindh syllabus is almost similar to the syllabus that is being taught in Punjab and TopGrade.pk provide more than sufficient material for the students to secure high marks.
Baluchistan have made huge strides towards creating their own syllabus and for the preparation TopGrade.pk provide the material that is specific towards their requirements
KPK syllabus is tilted towards their regional requirements and we provide the preparation material accordingly.
Federal board has most of the influence upon the Gilgit Baltistan syllabus and TopGrade.pk adheres to the instructions set out by the federal board and provide all the relevant data.
With TopGrade.pk, you as a student can have your own personalized study plan according to your own situation instead of relying on one criteria for all. You can decide for yourself how you would like to plan your study on your individual strengths and weaknesses.
Video lectures by fully qualified and experienced professors on all topics of all subjects. Everything explained with the help of innovative teaching methodology. Video Lecture, HD quality for desktops, tablets and mobile devices.
Notes in the form of slide-shows of all sections of all subjects enabling fast revision of highest yield facts. Information is limited to essentials only with self-evident content. Entire content of all slide-shows in standard format available on desktop, tablets and mobile devices
We have data for actual past papers of the previous MDCAT, ECAT and other entry tests. This will help you to get the feel of the exam but you can have a go at them and see your scores. It has been observed that a few questions are repeated in the next tests.
Practice tests that closely resemble format of real exam. Questions are written according to latest exam trends. Each test comes with detailed analysis and an approximate score in final exam so students can get an idea of their expected performance.
Practice with all types of pattern and past questions from each topic of every subject along with well written explanations. Interactive and intelligent software predicts score of learner in final exam and suggests necessary actions to be taken for improving the performance.
While using TopGrade.pk you get your detailed reports on all content you have used and whats remaining. These analytics also show you the reports of all the practice tests where you can see exactly in which chapters of which subjects you need to focus more.
TopGrade.pk is not just about studying for exams, we also offer personal skills development videos. These videos can help you enhance your personal characteristics like book reading, time management, stress management, general instruction for exams etc.
TopGrade.pk tries its best to keep you updated with all the related news and happenings in the education sector that can be of helpful to you as a student. You can see all of this information in your student account at any time.
Practice tests that closely resemble format of real exam. Questions are written according to latest exam trends. Each test comes with detailed analysis and an approximate score in final exam so students can get an idea of their expected performance.