F.Sc 1st Year Pre Engineering Board Exam Preparation Online

Matric Board Exam
Matric Board Exam

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TopGrade.pk is what F.Sc 1st Year Pre-Engineering should be


  • Study anytime, anywhere.
  • Adaptability to life style & Learning style.
  • Personalized learning experience.
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  • Fully supported on pc, mac, android, and ios.


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  • Cover all subjects from all angles with the help of video lectures, fast revision notes, question bank and full length practice exams.
  • Adapt according to life style and learning style of each student.

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  • Unbeatable Price: Tremendous facilities at affordable cost.
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1st Year Pre Engineering Online Preparation

F.Sc 1st Year Pre-Engineering preparation

FSc pre-engineering is absolutely instrumental in setting up young and fresh aspirants for the higher education in the engineering field of academic mechanism. 1st year of this 2-year programme is crucial in preparing and creating a solid base of young minds that are looking to develop their concepts in an entirely new field of study. The ultimate goal is to prepare and attain high enough marks to get admission in top engineering universities of the country.

TopGrade.pk takes up the role to nurture the young developing bright minds and provide a solid base for them with the help of cutting-edge technology and valuable experience. We are considered as pioneers of online education platforms and due to our edge in recognizing the potential of online education earlier, we have invested in research and development to provide most comprehensive and up to date material possible.

The Rise of Online Education in Pakistan

Online education is a relatively new concept and while it was gaining footing among the students at a steady pace, the pandemic hit the world and globally educational and academic functions were halted. It was clear as a day light then that world may not get back to its normal and new ways has to be discovered to relay the information to the students. Whether its entry test preparation or F.sc exams, online education came to help and rightfully proved to be a solid alternative to the conventional way of teaching. Thanks to online education not only Pakistan but the whole world is able to communicate with their students from a safe distance.

Let the TopGrade.pk Show You the Way

Being a pioneer in your respective field may present many hurdles in your way but on the other hand it grants you liberty to put more effort and material when no one else is able to do that. TopGrade.pk is always keen to keep up with latest development and provide more and comprehensive material to the students so they can stay ahead of the coemption. We understand that providing the funds in this pandemic hit year is an uphill task, so we have kept our fee structure to the minimum and encourage you to sign up and claim your free trial to see the amazing services that we provide.

F. Sc Part 1 Pre Engineering Preparation in Punjab

Punjab is the most populous province of Pakistan and its syllabus is most comprehensive. TopGrade.pk takes keen interest in any changes and advancements and provide ample amount of preparation material.

F. Sc Pre Engineering 1st Year Preparation in Sindh

Sindh provincial board sets the syllabus according to their regional requirements and it differs from the syllabus from Punjab. TopGrade.pk understands the requirements and provide the relevant preparation material.

F. Sc Pre Engineering 11TH Class Preparation in Baluchistan

Having its own language and identity plays a part in them setting up the syllabus. TopGrade.pk covers every aspect of Baluchistan syllabus and provide comprehensive material for its students.

KPK F. Sc Pre Part 1 Preparation

KPK is in the similar situation as in Baluchistan. This province has its own language and specialized requirements thus have its own syllabus and TopGrade.pk cater the students with specialized content.

Gilgit Baltistan F. Sc Pre Engineering Part 1 Preparation

Gilgit Baltistan is the further most region of Pakistan and mostly rely on the cues from the Federal board to set up its syllabus. TopGrade.pk provides relevant preparation material according to the requirements of GB

F. Sc Part 1 Pre Engineering Preparation for FATA and AJK

Every year thousands of people attempt exam for F. Sc engineering and TopGrade.pk leave no stone untuned when it comes to provide them the relevant preparation material.