FAST Entry Test (CS, Engg, BBA): Faster, Easier & Better Preparation at Home

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Prepare for FAST Entrance Exam Online

FAST Entry Test (CS/Engg) preparation is an online platform currently helping hundreds of students achieve their dreams. We offer entry test preparation courses for all sorts of entrance tests. Looking for an online preparation course for the FAST entrance exam? Look no more; we got you covered. FAST NUCES is a prestigious institute that has produced a myriad of notable alumni in science and technology. Owing to its cutting-edge research experience and national reputation, many pre-engineering students opt to apply to this university.

But to prove yourself eligible for admission, you need to pass an entrance exam. Don’t fret just yet, as we provide you with the proper guidance and counseling to ace this test. We are here to take you into the depth of every step of FAST entry test preparation. This article will guide you about the general format, syllabus, policies, and scoring of the FAST exam, as well as some extra tips to help boost your test score and overall performance. But most importantly, we offer various resources and supporting material to get you all ready to attempt this test. So, make sure you stick till the very end to get acquainted with our indispensable online preparation course.

Why is it vital that you take the FAST entrance test?

To get admission to the FAST university, you need to pass the entrance test designed and conducted by them for each department. Apparently, you have no choice but to take this test if you want to get admission in your desired field. Even if you can’t pass the test on the first attempt, we suggest you take this test as it will give you a lot of exposure and experience, which might come in handy later.

The test varies for each field, and you are mandated to take it to secure your spot in university. The selection criterion is based on your matric, FSC, and entrance test score. The combined weightage of SSC and HSSC is 50 percent, while the test contributes to the other 50 percent. To apply, you need to get at least 60 percent in the pre-engineering entrance exam.

However, students who are willing to submit their NTS-NAT scores are exempted from taking the test. Candidates who took SAT exam and secured a score of 1000 plus in SAT-I and 550 plus SAT-II can also bypass the set requirement of the test. And don't worry; if you are still waiting for your HSCC results, you can still apply.

Who is eligible to apply for the FAST entrance test?

Eligibility criteria are almost the same for all programs. For BS electrical engineering and civil engineering, candidates must obtain:

  • 60 percent or above marks in matric or equivalent
  • 60 percent or above marks in HSSC (FSC/A levels) pre-engineering
  • 60 percent or higher in the test

For BS in "computing programs," you should obtain:

  • 60 percent or more in matric (or its equivalent such as O levels)
  • Fifty percent or more in FSC (or equivalent such as A levels). Mathematics should be a compulsory subject in two years of higher secondary education, OR you could pass a separate one-year HSSC math exam supervised by a local board or a foreign board (Cambridge or Oxford)

For BBA and BS in "accounting and finance" and "business analytics," you need:

  • 50 percent or above in SSC and HSSC
  • 50 percent or above in admission exam

How do I register for the FAST Test? When will FAST Entrance Test be conducted for the 2025 session?

The procedure of registration for the test is not complicated. You do not need to visit the campus in person to register. You can register from the comfort of your own homes, from their official website. You need to provide some information at the beginning, including a person’s national identity card number, mobile number, email for correspondence, and nationality. Make sure the information you provide is correct, as the person won’t be able to proceed further with the wrong credentials. You can click the link given below to register as an applicant

After registration, you are assigned a specific reference number called ARN, which is different for each person. The next step is submitting the application fee (which is entirely non-refundable) to the assigned bank. After that, you can print a card with your roll number on it. Make sure you bring this card to the center on the day of the test. The test is likely to be held in June of 2025.

Exam format and time allowed

The test is composed of 100 multiple choice questions, with an essay writing task at the end. It could be online or on campus. For an online exam, you must make sure that you are aware of the proper usage of the computer and related devices (such as mouse and keyboard) and that you have a stable connection. You are allotted a total of two hours to answer all the questions. You have the option to go back and review the previous questions. In the case of an on-campus test, the participants are not allowed to bring anything apart from their Admit cards.

The nature of questions varies based on the type of program. For undergraduate programs, the test is basically composed of these major components: Essay writing, English, basic math, advanced math, Physics, and analytical/IQ-based questions. The questions can appear in any order, and you will be given a specific set time to answer each section. Each section carries different marks. The division for time and weightage also differs.

For BS accounting & finance, and BBA, the test contains:



Total questions


Analytical skills/IQ

40 minutes


30 %


25 minutes


15 %

Essay Writing

15 minutes


15 %

Basic Math

40 minutes


40 %

For other bachelor programs (BS CS/EE):



Total questions


Analytical skills/IQ

2o minutes


20 %


15 min


10 %

Basic Math

10 minutes


10 %

Adv. Math

40 minutes


40 %


15 minutes


20 %

FAST University also offers graduation and post-graduation in various fields. Test for master’s program is also obligatory. The components, however, differs from undergraduate test a little bit. The topics, with their respective percentages, are:


MS (linguistics)


Other MS programs

Analytical skills/IQ

15 %

20 %

20 %


15 %

10 %

5 %

Specialization areas

45 %


40 %

Adv. Math



10 %

Essay Writing

25 %

30 %

10 %

Quantitative method


20 %

15 %

Business skills


20 %


Total Marks:

The total score is one hundred, and to pass, a score of more than 60% is required. Keep in mind that there is negative marking.

Important Policies:

According to the institute's policy, participants are expected to reach the destination in time as late-comers won't be entertained. You are not allowed to use calculators. Furthermore, you can skip the questions you don’t know the answers to because there is negative marking, and it will play to your disadvantage.

The general guidelines and test patterns of different programs can be seen on the given website

You can also download sample tests provided by the university from the following links:

For BBA and BS(AF) test: 

For BS(CS/EE) test:

What Is the Syllabus of the FAST entrance Test?

The syllabus is almost identical for all fields, specifically for BS programs with just a slight difference. It is suggested that you use FSC books and other preparatory material to practice. You will be tested on the following:

Basic Mathematics

This part has the easiest and simplest questions. These are based on simple principles like solving fractions and BODMAS (brackets, order, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction).

Advanced Mathematics:

In this part, you are tested on what you studied during your A levels or FSC mathematics, and how well of a grip you have on these concepts. This is relatively difficult as compared to basic math. Make sure you revise how to perform trigonometry, differentiation, matrices, vector, algebra, integration, and probability, as these parts carry the highest weightage.


You are most likely to achieve the highest score in this section if you have a good command of grammar and vocabulary, as it is the easiest part of the exam.

Essay Writing:

To ace this task, we advise you to practice sample essays. To get an excellent score, make sure the sentence structure is complex, lexical resources are fine, and minimum grammatical errors.


The physics questions are almost all from your syllabus books, from part-1 and 2 of FSC or A levels. They could be either theory-based or numerical calculations. Numerical questions could be time-consuming and tricky. Therefore, you should exercise beforehand.

Analytical skills/IQ questions:

As the name indicates, this part judges your intelligence and logical competency. The main goal is to test your prowess to understand the pattern. Once you figure it out, it becomes significantly easy to ace it.

Which other universities accept FAST Test results for admission?

The FAST entrance exam is specifically for FAST NUCES and its sub-campuses only. However, there are other tests you can take to apply to multiple institutes, e.g., NTS-NAT can be used to apply for numerous universities, even FAST too. NAT-II is to apply for a master’s degree. The same is the case with GAT, but it is to apply for a master’s degree.

Where will the test be conducted?

The entrance test could be either online or paper-based. Computers are used in the case of online exams. In the event of a paper-based test, all the sub-campuses are involved in conducting the FAST entrance test.

Is the FAST entrance test challenging to pass?

You are probably wondering if you will be able to get into FAST because it doesn’t seem like a piece of cake. Don’t get worked up over it because you don’t need extraordinarily sharp wits or high intelligence to pass this test. With some dedication, the proper guidance, and good preparation, you can ace it on the first try.

Why do students fail the test then?

Some people tend to try very hard, but their efforts bear no fruit. There could be multiple reasons for that. Years of teaching at have taught us that students tend to follow the same mistakes that halt their progress. We analyzed those errors and made a list for you to avoid repeating those in your exam. Some prevalent errors are:

Depending on your teacher entirely for learning

We have observed that students who rely on their tutor for everything tend to lag in everything compared to their peers. This practice could lead to various adverse ramifications as it has been proven that when you rely on others all the time, you lose your critical thinking ability and your confidence in your own thought process.

To combat this kind of situation, we here at encourage our students to exercise and improve their comprehension abilities instead of serving them with the syllabus to memorize on a platter. Teachers are only there to guide you; you shouldn't expect to excel without putting in any effort yourself.

Revising in a chronological way rather than Priority order

Some topics hold more importance than others in the FAST test. Not only do they require more time, but they also carry more weightage. Some students fail to understand is that you should pay more attention to those topics instead of going through everything cluelessly. Mindful reading is one way to do that. If you sort the contents that you think will appear in the exam and prioritize them first, then you are more likely to get a higher score.

Employing passive strategies to study instead of active methods

Almost all students learn in a passive way, which involves:

  • re-reading a thing over and over
  • revising notes provided by a teacher
  • highlighting everything
  • watching documentaries and other helping material

What you are doing is getting your brain used, not actively participating in your study. If you do these, you need to re-evaluate and adapt a new reading strategy.

The other, more efficient, and intelligent way, is to study in a manner that helps you retain more information. You must have heard the phrase "work hard, not smart," this is precisely that. Some of the ways to engage your brain in active learning are by:

  • Make your notes in your own words, by writing the concepts in a simple and graspable way
  • Make outlines
  • Use flashcards (There are numerous applications and websites where you can make flashcards of the topic you prepared)
  • Teach what you learned to someone else
Not working on your test-taking skills

Not every student achieves a good score when their knowledge is evaluated in a test, because they can’t brainstorm for required knowledge under stressful situations such as time restraint. You should analyze where you are lacking and work on it. The only way is to practice test-taking as much as you can. You can ask a fellow student or your teacher to help as well.

Not finding fast methods of revision with class

When a test or exam comes close, many students panic because they have so much syllabus to cover. Even if you prepared everything throughout the year, final revisions are of utmost importance. The grades plummet significantly when you don’t go through everything before the test. It is suggested that you devise new strategies to revise and monitor your progress daily. You can start by making a timetable and sticking to it every day. Make sure you follow it religiously. Another efficient way is to look up to your peers for guidance. If they offer to help, you can revise together. That way, none of you will lag.

Not revising what you already know

Some students make the mistake of being overly confident before exams, by not revising the concepts they know already. Our brains tend to forget things we don’t revise, as our memories and retaining abilities are limited. To keep the knowledge fresh, one should go back to the memorized information every now and then, but especially right before the test. By doing so, you will have a better grip over those concepts, and if they appear in the test, you won’t have any trouble answering them.

Cramming instead of understanding

Students who lean towards memorizing information mindlessly rather than understanding concepts may succeed temporarily, but they are at a disadvantage in the long run. Cramming is very ineffective, as it helps you only temporarily. In tests like FAST, most questions are concept-based. So, there is a high chance of failure if you don’t have a good command of concepts.

Being overconfident by not practicing high-yield topics and subjects:

Subjects like Math, Physics, English have more significance as compared to the rest of the subjects in your FSC or A levels. Among these subjects, some topics are more important than the rest. These are called high-yield subjects. You should give these topics more time and energy, as it will significantly benefit your scores on the test.

Not asking for help

Some people try to get everything done by themselves. This stubbornness and egoistic attitude will cost you good marks in every exam. We all need help sometimes in learning complicated things. You should avail help from your teachers and friends if you are facing difficulty completing a particular task.

Starting to study too late

We all know that phrase: "the early bird catches the worm." So, if you are planning on appearing in the FAST entrance exam, you should start your prep on time, rather than procrastinating. Those who start late are more stressed and lack clarity of mind and direction than those who plan things beforehand.

Not developing a timetable

Keeping a timetable makes it easy for you to follow a routine as it keeps you motivated. Another trick is to create a to-do list of all the tasks you want to do each day. At the end of the day, crossing things off the list gives you satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment. On top of that, it urges you to work even harder the next day.

Negative thinking

Your attitude makes a lot of difference. If you keep thinking negatively, the consequences won’t be much different from your thoughts. Start developing the winner attitude. If you have a chip on your shoulder about bad results, then you can’t drop your cynicism and hopelessness. Instead, you should start your day with positive self-talk and affirmations.

How to score high marks on the FAST entrance exam?

There are various ways to optimize your performance and boost your score on the entrance test. Some of these ways that will guarantee your admission to FAST are:

  • Practicing previous papers
  • Sticking to a timetable
  • Exercising the question types (multiple-choice questions and essays)
  • Investing in a test specific course or an academy or preparation (join our online system designed explicitly for FAST entrance test preparation at
  • Working on weak concepts
  • Not hesitating to ask for help from teachers
  • Doing multiple revisions
  • Focusing on subjects that are high yield

To make it easy, you should divide the topics into three categories and then work on them in a priority-wise manner.

  1. 1. High Importance (This part includes the topics that will most certainly appear in the test, e.g., basic math/advanced math concepts and physics questions)
  2. 2. Medium Importance (Essay writing practice falls in this part as this requires a certain level of training to write a good essay)
  3. 3. Low importance (You should spend the least amount of time on those. This includes analytical/ IQ questions segment)

Why should you opt for an online preparation course for the FAST entrance exam?

Online preparation offers various advantages over physical classes. Access to online courses has been made very easy in today's technological world. Thanks to the internet, even the world's best universities, including Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford, offer many online courses. We here, at, believe that students in Pakistan should also be availed of this opportunity to learn from the comfort of your place. Besides, this newer teaching method offers more benefits than the traditional way.

Ease of access

First and foremost is the easy availability and access to lectures for everyone. All you need is a gadget (mobile phone, tablets, laptops) and a secure internet connection. On top of that, these courses help you save your/your parent’s hard-earned money as these are more affordable, compared to the courses offered at most colleges and academies.


By opting for this mode of study, you are spared from the daily hassle of traveling to and from an academy/ college. The time you save by doing that can be utilized to do something productive. The cherry on top is the flexible schedule that comes with it.

More effective

Reduced cost, flexible timings, and easy availability make online FAST entrance exam preparation more effective. It also offers students self-discipline and a comfortable environment for learning, so it is overall a better learning experience than the traditional method.

Better Understanding

It can be reflected by the performance of our top achievers that students who pick online classes are at the advantage of having a better understanding of the concepts. Hence, the odds are that they will pass tests more easily.

Why should you join for FAST entrance test preparation?

Whether you are preparing for MDCAT, ECAT, NTS, GAT, FAST, or any other entrance exam, is your best bet. We have been an online, operational academy in Pakistan for many years. Here are some reasons why you should prepare FAST entrance test from here:

Most effective preparation app

We have launched an application called "" that can be operated on mobile phones and PCs. Our app has an excellent rating of 4.9/5.0, which shows the student's and their parent's trust and satisfaction in our teaching ways.

You can download the app from the given link.

Custom courses for every test

A wide range of online courses is available on our app. Currently, hundreds of students have been enrolled in these. Students who are planning to get admissions to high-ranked medical and engineering universities are all opting for our preparation courses. Our expert panel of teachers can also design custom courses according to your needs.

Wisely planned study schedules

Our study schedules are made by keeping in mind all the necessary parameters like time restraint, student satisfaction, and ease of learning. As promised, we make sure that you finish the exam preparation in due time, which shows how true we are to our words and principles.

Video lectures to explain everything about the FAST entrance exam:

We offer very interactive video lectures, which include everything you need to know about entrance exams. If you join a course for FAST preparation, you will be able to learn all the complex concepts that you had trouble understanding before. Because our classes discuss every topic in full detail and depth, you won’t face any difficulty in understanding the concepts.

Slides for faster revision

We design very clear, to the point, and organized presentations of all the topics you need to cover for the FAST test. Ppts are better than going through the entire chapters and reading all the redundant material that won’t even show up in the exam.

MCQ based tests for preparation

As almost the entire test is multiple choice questions based, we make practice tests for you to solve. This helps students get acknowledged with the test format and time allotment better.

Solved past papers for each topic

We also provide previous papers with keys and explanations to all the questions on our platform. Papers from each subject and each part are available.

Progress tracking

Most importantly, we regularly monitor how far you have come by evaluating your skills. This keeps the students motivated to strive for excellence.

Live discussions to clear the doubts

We do online discussion sessions to clear up any ambiguity you might have regarding your syllabus. These have proven to be very helpful.

Full-length tests for the FAST entrance exam

Before the final exam, we take many full-length papers. The format is exactly like FAST’s entrance test for intake, to help you get all prepped up.

Up-to-date syllabus

We design our preparation courses from the latest content by updating our material each year. 

Online Webinars

We arrange webinars to help better interact with our students. Your feedback is valuable to us, so we also discuss all the shortcomings that can be fixed.

24/7 content availability

Our content is available for you to access whenever you want. There is no time restraint. You can avail of our services at any time of the day.

Lowest fee

Based on what we offer, you might think that our preparation packages will be quite expensive. Contrary to that, they are actually very affordable compared to the institutes providing the same courses with extremely high fees.’s plan of action for FAST entrance exam preparation

For the FAST test, we provide you with:

Lectures: To help you learn better and to answer your queries

Revision Notes: By reading the previously short-listed material, it becomes markedly accessible for you to revise on time.

Books: You shouldn’t just rely on notes and lectures only. Books are your primary preparation source.

What instructions should you follow on exam day?

If it's online, make sure you have a stable internet connection, and the device you are using won’t malfunction. If you are to visit the campus to take the test, you should reach there half an hour early to keep a margin of error.

While attempting the exam, try to answer the questions you are sure about first. That way, you will save time to answer tricky questions later. BUT remember that there is negative marking, so if you don’t have even the slightest bit of idea about a particular question, you shouldn’t attempt it at all.

FAQs Regarding Fast Entry Test 2025

There are lots of questions that students frequently ask, we have tried to answer as many as possible

After your intermediate, if you want to get admission at FAST University, you will have to take the FAST entry test. FAST (Foundation for Advancement of science and technology) offers admissions highly on merit and test-based.

The FAST entry test is held every year, and its merit always fluctuates according to the situation and merit of the year. So, we cannot predict any particular value, but you must score more than 60 percent marks in the FAST entry test to be eligible for admission.

FAST accepts graduate and undergraduate admissions based on GAT, GRE, and NTS tests. So, if you want to take admission in undergraduate, you will have to take SAT, and those who want to take admission in graduate school will have to take GRE.

FAST is a federally chartered university, and it is one of the highly prestigious universities of Pakistan. It offers several undergraduate, Graduate and post-graduate programs.

if you want to register for the FAST admissions, click on the official website of the FAST University below.

Online preparation is better than an academy or coaching because it will save you huge time, and you can prepare for your exam anywhere in the world. You will not have to wait for the teachers to come and deliver the lecture. You can easily log in to the online preparation app or website and start your preparation immediately. is the best online preparation academy where you can prepare for all entry tests.

As FAST university conducts its own test or it accepts NTS test. The result is only valid for the year it is been taken. Every year it conducts entry tests for spring and fall semesters.

FAST admission test includes English, essay writing, analytical skills and IQ, basic math, advanced math, specialization area, quantitative methods, and business-related knowledge. You can find the complete information on the official page of FAST by clicking on the link below.

You should have secured at least 60% marks in matric or any equivalent level and 50% marks in the intermediate or equivalent program to be eligible for the FAST entry test.

You can visit the official website of FAST University to get information about the complete online registration procedure by clicking on the link below.

Foundation for Advancement of science and technology conducts its own entry test every year or accepts NTS or GAT test for the admissions and every year; it has different test dates based on the conditions. It may be sometimes online or a physical exam. You can check all the details by clicking on the link below.

FAST entry test consists of 100 MCQs. It has different divisions of marks for each section. It has a total of two hours to complete the test. Following is the division of the marks.

• Analytical skills/IQ have 40 minutes and contain 30 questions that are 30 % of the total paper
• English section has a total of 25 minutes and 30 questions that compromises 15 % of the total paper
• Essay Writing has a total of 15 minutes and has 15 % paper weightage
• Basic Math contains 40 minutes for 40 questions, which is almost 40 % of the total paper marks.

If you want to take admission as an undergraduate, you will have to pass the SAT or FAST entry test, and you will be eligible to apply for the following admissions.

• BS (Engineering/IoT/ Robotics)
• BS (Computing Programs)
• BBA/BS (Accounting and Finance/ Business Analytics) For Graduate, you will have to either pass GAT or FAST entry test, and you will be eligible for the following programs
• MBA 2 years
• MS (Software Project Management)
• MS (Artificial Intelligence/ Computer Networks and security)
• MS (Civil Engineering/Electrical engineering)
• MS (Mathematics)
• MS (Applied Linguistics)
• MS (Management Sciences)
• MS (Accounting & Finance)
• MS (Business Analytics) PhD. Programs
• PhD (Civil Engineering/ Computer science/ Electrical Engineering)

FAST has its Campuses in the following cities of Pakistan

• Chiniot-Faisalabad
• Islamabad
• Karachi
• Peshawar

There is a total of 100 marks on the FAST entry test, and you have to secure at least 60% marks in the test to be eligible for the admission procedure.

No, you are not allowed to bring anything other than your admit card.

FAST entry test contains the following sections in the exam.

• Analytical skills/IQ
• English section
• Essay Writing
• Basic Math

You must have secured at least 60% marks in the matriculation and 50% marks in the HSC. And also 60% marks in the FAST entry test.

FAST University is a federally chartered university and has different campuses in different cities of Pakistan.

Yes, FAST University offers scholarships to both undergraduate and graduate programs. It also has other government and non-government sponsors who support needy students.

TopGrade.Pk is the best most effective online academy that is helping thousands of students annually. You can take a trial free of cost and register yourself for the complete FAST entry test preparation.